Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I am starting this blog because as a single 26-year-old living in a culture centered around marriage and families I felt like showing the inside parts of all the struggles and turmoil we suffer through just to please the masses (well, our families really, and ourselves). I want to show the other side of the heart breaks, the late nights, the college experience, and all the in between's that eat us up and spit us out while we desperately hope we manage to walk away with some of our limbs still intact. But most importantly, our hearts and who we are still intact and functioning enough to say we are still human.

So this is for those of you who may not understand the pressure, the frustration, the worry, the stress, and all the joy that comes from being young. Being the round pegs in the square holes. Being hopelessly romantic and totally crazy all at the same time.

And I start this too because I've always wanted the chance to pour out my soul to the world, but mainly to you. To the person I may one day call completely mine. Because sometimes I can't seem to say everything I'm feeling or thinking out loud, but maybe one day you will stumble upon this and realize that there was something there, something always hiding away. And it was me just being unsure and insecure of it all. 

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